Windmills – the quintessential 21st century folly

Exhibition Place wind turbine hasn't produced power since March

Oct 14, 2017

In the eighteenth century, wealthy aristocrats in France and England demonstrated their sense of taste by building large decorative buildings called follies as part of the landscape of their estates.   These follies could take many forms, the most popular of which were probably mock Roman temples that symbolized the Classical virtues of the owner.

In the green movement of our day, the most striking form of virtue signalling is arguably that of the windmill.  They are neither clean nor green and they provide almost no energy.  In fact, despite their inordinate subsidies from the taxpayer, the factories that produce them cannot even stay in business.  Ontario’s Green Energy Act is dying a slow, and for taxpayers, painful death (The cost of the funeral will be borne for generations yet).

Yet despite the ruinous effect of the policy on the economy, and its manifest wastefulness, every major political party in Ontario supports it, showing once again that there is no monopoly on folly in politics.

There is no greater display of this virtue signalling than the wind turbine that sits as a monument to folly in the centre of Toronto, in Exhibition Place.  It has not functioned for over 6 months.

Perhaps this windmill ought to be given a name.  I propose either “the politicians’ virtue”, or perhaps better yet, “Don Quixote”.

After all, in the twenty-first century rendition of Cervantes’ tale, politicians get at the ‘root causes’ of climate change by having having windmills tilt at the air.

Read the CBC’s article


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