B.C. baby first to get health card without gender marker

Jul 05, 2017

When a people rejects God, they also reject the fact that life is a gift.  They regard the conditions of the gift as an ‘imposition’, something assigned to them that they did not choose.

As finite beings who are not self-begotten, the very notion of self-identifying our human identity is fundamentally absurd.  God defines our human nature.  He gives us our identity.

Parents, who beget their children, nonetheless marvel at the gift.  The first question a parent is asked of a newborn is ‘is it a boy or a girl’.  It isn’t act of domination to answer the question, but of relational intimacy.  ‘How do we relate to this little wonder?’ is the question.

Unlike all of the created order, God alone is self-begotten.  He must reveal His name to us.  It is telling that in orthodox Jewish culture that G-d is not named, but addressed in various circumlocutions.  These reflect the awareness that God transcends human mastery and also the fear of idolatry: making God into something created.

In what could be the first case in the world, a B.C. baby has been issued a health card with the letter “U” for a sex marker.  The baby’s parent, Kori Doty, whose gender identity seems difficult to discern, is fighting to allow the child to ‘develop its own gender identity’.  It is an attempt at total self-mastery, and a denial of God and the good gift of life.

The wilful blindness to the child’s given sexual identity is a different sort of cultural domination.  One that is enslaved to the ideology of our day, with the co-operation of the state against the state of nature.

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