Tag: thegrid2

Gender dysphoria in children: understanding the science and medicine
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0 shares2142 views

Gender dysphoria in children: understanding the science and medicine

admin - Oct 14, 2017

As America enters what has been called the “transgender moment,” children have been placed in the crosshairs. As increasing numbers of children are diagnosed with “gender dysphoria,”…

Why there are only two sexes
Science & Technology
0 shares3568 views
Science & Technology
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Why there are only two sexes

admin - Jun 05, 2017

A philosopher debunks the idea that there are any intersex people based on some careful discussion and definition of terms.  Given the heat surrounding the topic, and…

What is the rule of law anyway?
0 shares1835 views
0 shares1835 views

What is the rule of law anyway?

admin - May 22, 2017

Since the 1970s, the New Left has operated as if the law were there to empower the bureaucracy to promote minority group rights.  In the process, it…

Nature is your lover, not your mother: meet ecosexual pioneer Annie Sprinkle
0 shares956 views
0 shares956 views

Nature is your lover, not your mother: meet ecosexual pioneer Annie Sprinkle

admin - May 17, 2017

The persistent cultural and legal attempts to destroy the idea that every person bears the image of God, and is responsible to Him for caring for the…

Canada Considering Proposal to Allow Euthanizing Mentally Ill Patients
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0 shares916 views

Canada Considering Proposal to Allow Euthanizing Mentally Ill Patients

admin - May 15, 2017

There is no bounds to state-sponsored killing if assisted suicide is labeled a human right and healthcare is indistinguishable from killing.  'The compassion of the wicked is…

Christian Politician Jailed for Blasphemy in Indonesia
120 shares2,243 views
120 shares2,243 views

Christian Politician Jailed for Blasphemy in Indonesia

admin - Nov 08, 2016

https://www.facebook.com/Channel4News/videos/10154824651601939/ This politician was jailed for blasphemy in Indonesia for claiming the Quran does not forbid Muslims from voting for a Christian.