Tag: Cultural Marxism

The Campus Mob Came for Me—and You, Professor, Could Be Next
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The Campus Mob Came for Me—and You, Professor, Could Be Next

admin - May 31, 2017

Activists appealing to the Cultural Marxist notion of structural oppression are becoming militant on college campuses.  They identify people as racist solely on the basis of skin…

Gender Identity: Marxist Plan to Destroy the Family
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0 shares1171 views

Gender Identity: Marxist Plan to Destroy the Family

admin - May 31, 2017

There are moves afoot around the world advancing transgender legislation.  This is not an issue of minority rights as it presents itself, but an attempt to remove…

Scott Masson – Repressive Tolerance and Cultural Marxism
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0 shares2170 views

Scott Masson – Repressive Tolerance and Cultural Marxism

admin - May 30, 2017

In the popular Cultural Marxist account of our day, Christianity is the villain of history. It is not, as Edward Gibbon once wrote, because it brought the…

Canadian Liberals waste no time playing the anti-Christian card
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0 shares2054 views

Canadian Liberals waste no time playing the anti-Christian card

admin - May 30, 2017

Canada's Liberal government are demonstrating an open hostility increasingly characteristic of progressive parties in the West.  They purport themselves open to all religions and all forms of…

The Gender Obsessed West Sets Itself Up for the Rise of Islam
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The Gender Obsessed West Sets Itself Up for the Rise of Islam

admin - May 25, 2017

Can Western liberalism be sustained without moral principles? 'There is a saying that civilizations can be destroyed from within, rather than by armies from without. If the…

Canada’s pro-life newspaper interviews Dr. Scott Masson
Arts & Culture
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Arts & Culture
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Canada’s pro-life newspaper interviews Dr. Scott Masson

admin - May 25, 2017

"The big problem starts right here, right here in my house, with myself. I’ve got to inform myself and until I do that, how am I going…