Tag: abortion

U.S. rejects UN call for abortion funding
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U.S. rejects UN call for abortion funding

admin - Jun 24, 2017

Identifying women's rights as the unrestricted access to abortion is not only a human rights violation against the preborn, it demeans women.  It distracts from the need…

Doctors challenge Ontario policy to refer for services that clash with morals
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Doctors challenge Ontario policy to refer for services that clash with morals

admin - Jun 13, 2017

The medical profession is an art as much as it is a science. At every point, clinicians are called upon to use their judgment about what is…

Canadian foreign minister: Defending abortion, LGBT is ‘at the core of our foreign policy
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Canadian foreign minister: Defending abortion, LGBT is ‘at the core of our foreign policy

admin - Jun 10, 2017

Canada's foreign minister explains that Canada's national policy abroad will overlook matters of national interest to focus on advancing the posthumanist agenda of hollowing out the core…

Fetuses Respond To Face-Like Patterns, Study Suggests
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Fetuses Respond To Face-Like Patterns, Study Suggests

admin - Jun 10, 2017

Fetuses respond to faces.  Sadly, people with face-like patterns often turn away from fetuses. More than hearts are broken.  The crimes against the unborn are the single…

Abortion clinics no longer need sweeping protection
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Abortion clinics no longer need sweeping protection

admin - Jun 02, 2017

The Ontario government continues to play dog whistle politics with the rights of their citizens with the upcoming election in mind.  Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms…

Ontario gov’t announces bill to ban pro-life speech outside abortion facilities
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Ontario gov’t announces bill to ban pro-life speech outside abortion facilities

admin - May 31, 2017

The Liberal government of Ontario, facing being swept from office in 2018, has decided that their radical identity group politics has been too lenient, and moved to…

Pro-lifers: Get out of Medicine
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Pro-lifers: Get out of Medicine

admin - May 31, 2017

The progressive left continues to advance its position, allowing no dissent.  It is unsurprising that anyone who violates the sanctity of life will also have no compunction…

Scott Masson – Repressive Tolerance and Cultural Marxism
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Scott Masson – Repressive Tolerance and Cultural Marxism

admin - May 30, 2017

In the popular Cultural Marxist account of our day, Christianity is the villain of history. It is not, as Edward Gibbon once wrote, because it brought the…

The Team That Invented the Birth-Control Pill
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The Team That Invented the Birth-Control Pill

admin - May 29, 2017

The fragmentation of life into wholly disconnected subjects has not only plagued the field of education, it has transformed society.  The separation of sex from procreation, marriage…

Canada’s pro-life newspaper interviews Dr. Scott Masson
Arts & Culture
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Arts & Culture
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Canada’s pro-life newspaper interviews Dr. Scott Masson

admin - May 25, 2017

"The big problem starts right here, right here in my house, with myself. I’ve got to inform myself and until I do that, how am I going…