Misunderstanding a New Kind of Gender Dysphoria

Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria

Oct 07, 2017

“Up until about ten years ago, gender dysphoria presenting for the first time in adolescence was virtually unknown in natal females….In the past decade, however, a new presentation of gender dysphoria has suddenly become widespread, in which teens or tweens come to identify as transgender “out of the blue,” without any childhood history of feeling uncomfortable with their sex. Experts have dubbed this presentation rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD), and are beginning to study it.”

One expert states, “It is a socially contagious phenomenon, reminiscent of the multiple personality disorder epidemic of the 1990s.”

Adding further complexity to the mix, there is a suspicion that this Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria might be “iatrogenic – that is, created or reinforced by the process of receiving medical or mental health treatment.”

In other words, the doctors who are diagnosing and then ‘solving’ the problem might themselves be one of the comorbid factors in the illness.

What is absolutely clear is that this alarming mental illness needs further study, and it certainly needs public scrutiny, not the silencing work of legislation “affirming” what is of highly dubious benefit to the patients.

Ontario’s Bill 89, which threatens to remove children from the care of parents who object to their child’s gender identity, is therefore doubly ill-advised.  And the medical profession seems complicit in the problem, or lack the freedom to oppose the government’s draconian legislation.

There needs to be an urgent reassessment of what the medical establishment means by human health, because there are a growing number of patients receiving care who seem little other than victims.

Read the full article

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