Feminist geographers encourage whiting out the research of white men

Jul 18, 2017

Standards vary from discipline to discipline, but one of the conventions of academic publishing is the process of having peers review prospective publications to insure that they meet the standards of the discipline.  The aim is objectivity, professionalism, and to a certain degree, neutrality.

One of the things that feminist scholars cite to demonstrate the historic discrimination towards women is the fact that women authors often had to publish under a male pseudonym to be taken seriously – or to be published at all.  The Bronte sisters and Mary Ann Evans (George Eliot) are just a few famous examples.

The past of course cannot be changed.  Treating people justly by avoiding such conspicuous prejudice can be done in the present however.

The latest advance of Cultural Marxism is the creation of ‘intersectionality’, an attempt to root out ‘white heteromasculinism.’  This isn’t just discriminatory, it is openly vindictive.

At this rate, either academics are going to start to have to write under female pseudonyms if they want to be published, or there needs to be a concerted effort to remove the radicals whose vindictive zeal has made them lose sight of the collegial dissemination and advance of knowledge.

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