Who Killed the Left?

Jul 10, 2017

As a centenary baby, I have been a witness to the limitless ability of the Left to uproot the past and to disseminate its vision through its victims/ideologues in the public education system.  I first read George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984 in 1984.  And I can only agree to the sentiments of the writer of this fine piece in PJ media:  “The Left’s control of culture is so absolute they will promote 1984 without realizing it’s about them.”

It was Orwell who captured the ideological enslavement of his fictional totalitarian state in the party slogan “he who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”

All people are subject to what contemporary psychologists call confirmation bias, but only the Left is so committed to nihilism that as soon as it uproots one bias and installs another, it begins the process again.

It is the serpent swallowing its own tail.  The Left is a testimony to the basic Gnosticism of modern atheist thought, to which writers such as Henri du Lubac and Eric Voegelin have testified.

“The current political crisis is the collective shudder of mortality passing through “every university, newspaper, TV network, Hollywood studio, publisher, education school and museum in the nation.” The left may have “wrapped up the culture war two generations ago,” but it is rotting inside the wrapping.”

Read the full article

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